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Leaf Clean-up

Generally it is a good idea to remove leaves from your lawn after they fall. If you leave a thick layer of leaves on your lawn, it can block light and air from reaching the grass, which can lead to the grass becoming unhealthy and potentially dying. In addition, leaves can harbor insects and diseases that can harm your grass.


It's also a good idea to remove any large branches or twigs that may have fallen onto your lawn during the autumn season. These can also block light and air from reaching the grass and can potentially damage the mower if they are not removed.


In general, it is a good idea to clean up leaves and other debris from your lawn regularly to help keep your grass healthy and looking its best.

Branch Removal and Trimming

It is generally a good idea to remove dead branches from a healthy tree. Dead branches can be a sign of decay or disease in a tree, and removing them can help prevent the spread of any potential problems to the rest of the tree. Dead branches can also be a hazard, as they may break off and fall during a storm, potentially causing damage to people or property.


If you are unsure whether a branch is dead or if it is safe to remove it, it is generally a good idea to consult with a certified arborist. An arborist is a professional who is trained to care for trees and can assess the health of a tree and determine if it is safe to remove any branches.


If you do decide to remove a dead branch from a tree, it is important to do so safely. Use proper pruning techniques and tools, such as pruning shears or a saw, and be sure to follow proper safety precautions. It is also a good idea to have someone assist you, especially if the branch is large or if the tree is tall.

Dead Tree & Shrub Removal

When removing a dead tree, it is generally recommended to remove as much of the roots as possible. This can help prevent the remaining roots from potentially causing problems in the future, such as tripping hazards or damage to sidewalks or foundations.


To remove the roots of a dead tree, you will first need to cut the tree trunk as close to ground level as possible using a chainsaw or other cutting tool. Next, you will need to dig around the base of the tree to expose the roots. Use a shovel or a pickaxe to carefully cut through the roots, making sure to remove as much of the root system as possible.


If the tree is small, you may be able to remove the roots by hand. For larger trees, you may need to use a root saw or a root hook to cut through the roots. You may also need to use a pry bar or other levering tool to help loosen the roots from the soil.


It is important to be careful when removing the roots of a dead tree, as the roots may be brittle and prone to breaking. Be sure to use proper safety precautions, such as wearing protective gear and having someone assist you if necessary.

Tree Removal

There are several factors to consider before removing a tree:

  1. Is the tree dead or diseased? If the tree is dead or diseased, it may be necessary to remove it to prevent the spread of the problem to other trees.

  2. Is the tree a safety hazard? If the tree is unstable or in danger of falling, it may need to be removed to prevent it from causing damage or injury.

  3. Is the tree causing damage to your home or other structures? If the tree's roots are damaging foundations or sidewalks, or if the tree is causing damage to your home or other structures, it may need to be removed.

  4. Will removing the tree negatively impact the surrounding ecosystem? If the tree provides important habitat or serves an important ecological function, you may want to consider leaving it in place.

  5. Can the tree be saved? If the tree is healthy but causing problems, it may be possible to prune or trim it rather than removing it completely.

  6. What are the costs associated with removing the tree? Tree removal can be expensive, so it's important to consider the costs involved before making a decision.

It is generally a good idea to consult with a certified arborist before deciding to remove a tree. An arborist can help you assess the health of the tree and determine if removal is necessary. They can also help you develop a plan for safely removing the tree and minimizing any negative impacts on the surrounding ecosystem.

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